

Tailored security services for hire for a variety of needs. Shielded Security always starts with being hospitable to your guests. We offer competitive pricing and even BETTER service.


Local events, campus events, Fraternity and Sorority events. Our security services are specifically tailored to your needs. Make sure your event is a hit and remembered as a complete success.


Conventions, weddings, game weekends, or other business meetings – these events add a lot of traffic in and out of the hotel. We can assist by guiding guests, monitoring check-in/check-outs, securing access points, and more. Call us to help determine your security needs.


While 40% of crimes involve alcohol, good bar security is much more than checking IDs. Security must be capable of spotting and turning away troublemakers before they cause problems. We watch, so you don’t have to.


With a constant flow of people coming in and out, we shine when it comes to service with a smile. Courteous and respectful, but with purpose. Security near entrances and exits reminds people that you take security seriously, it’s a deterrent for thieves.


Our wedding and venue services always start with being hospitable to your guests while maintaining our high-quality service. Be sure your special day goes off without any unwanted events.


Every property is different, and so are its needs. Our on-site security offers a friendly face to guests and residents. They help build a sense of community and make tenants feel more at ease. Deter crime, manage access, monitor common areas, and attract better lessors.


Game days can get crazy. Fans get ‘hangry.’ Unruly customers can ruin a restaurant’s reputation. Good security can help monitor wait lists, check ID’s, assist with parking, and deter dine-and-dash guests so you don’t get left with the check.


No matter what sort of business you’re in, Shielded Security can offer services tailored specifically to your requirements. Whether you require a team to monitor an office party, manage access, or assist with property parking, call us!

We’ve got you covered!

We provide insured security services at competitive rates. Please fill out the form with your contact information, and we’ll be in touch to discuss your security needs.

Info & Pricing

Being on par in terms of price and quality only gets you into the game. Service wins the game.


Count on us!

Each business inquiry is unique, and we believe security services should account for that. Complete the form below, and we’ll do everything we can to create a custom plan to bring you peace of mind about securing your upcoming event.

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